Why should I be concerned about mosquitoes?

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Annoying bites, the threat of disease transmission, and enjoying your property are three important reasons why you don’t want to share your property with mosquitoes this summer.

Until recently, getting bitten by mosquitoes was something that only happened as the sun set and the evening arrived. Over the last several years, this has all changed. Now mosquitoes are biting all day and into the night. Responsible for this dramatic change is the Asian Tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus.

Asian Tiger mosquitoes get their name from their aggressive biting habits and striped color pattern. Unlike our domestic mosquitoes that feed at dusk, Asian Tiger mosquitoes feed all day. Its aggressive biting behavior during the daytime hours can create unbearable conditions, making the time you spend outdoors unpleasant and prevent you from relaxing and enjoying your yard. In addition to being a fierce biter, the Asian Tiger mosquito is a serious disease vector in other parts of the world. At present, they have not been associated with disease transmission in this part of the country but mosquito biologists are carefully monitoring the situation and caution that this is likely to change.

Culex pipiens is another common mosquito in both Lagos and Port Harcourt and is the primary mosquito that transmits West Nile Virus and St. Louis Encephalitis (SLE). They are weak fliers, are active mostly at night, and feed primarily on birds higher up in the trees. While Culex pipiens can bite you in your backyards, the likelihood is much less than the Asian Tiger mosquito.
Properties in coastal areas where saltwater marshes are present have another mosquito to contend with, the Eastern Saltmarsh mosquito, Aedes solicitans, This mosquito is known to transmit Eastern Equine Encephalitis and can be an aggressive biter, feeding mostly at night. Many other mosquitoes are common in this part of the country, but these three are considered among the most important and can change your summer fun into a summer of swatting. The goal of the Orion Pest mosquito program is to win back your yard for you and your family, providing you as close to a bite free environment as possible